What Leeman is upto
I'm going to use this as a way to let friends and complete strangers know what I'm doing and to act as a journal of sorts.
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14/8/02 I'm just hanging out in this fun in-between period after work at blockbuster has finished but before I run off to Istanbul and then London. To keep you updated, I'm a rising junior and come september I shall begin an expedition which will lead me to the London Theatre Program where I and 34 other American students will be educated in the Grandiose art of Theatrics. I shall be there for the fall and spring semester with a huge chunk taken out for winter break. Being away from my friends, especialy Rachel will be the hardest thing but I'm nothing if not completely devoted to the idea of enjoying my trip so that's that. 1/9/02 Well, it's the night before I begin my trek into istanbul and london. My last few nights have been pretty groovy. Karaoked friday night for almost 6 hours. 9 songs, thank you very much. Rachel and I had a nice goodbye phone call and I hope that i'll be able to keep in contact with everyone but I have no ideer what's going to be occuring. At the moment I'm staying up so as to pass out tomorrow on the plane. Ah, the joy of travel. Wish me luck. ps: well, it's sort of the next day and I'm stuck in Chicago seeing as we had engine trouble. This makes us lose a day but i'm not too distressed. Anyway, this proves that you weren't wishing enough. tsk tsk.