Dork Squad
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I'm Leeman Tarpley...Perhaps you've heard of me?
I'm a college student at Kenyon college with too much time on my hands so I figured, Hey, why not? It will annoy my friends to no end if I have a website out there that allows people to know about me. Briefly, I was born on December 23rd, 1982 at 8 AM Paris time in Ogbomoso Nigeria. My full name is Ayobami Abiodun Leeman Richardson Tarpley but the opressive American government only knows me by the last three. My parents were missionaries so I'm not actually African or Black even though I mark African American and White on forms because I'm a technical minority. It's very fun. I major in drama. It's pretty gosh darned exciting being me. If I think of anything new, I'll be sure to let you know |
Les Choses Nouveaux
3/26/01- Birth of the Site. 4/9/01- Rachel page goes up. 5/21/01- Leeman starts work at Blockbuster. 2 free rentals a night...very nice. 8/21/01- I'm back at Kenyon, my home sweet home nestled away in the middle of Ohio. It's all rather exciting. 7/5/02- I've been home in Nashville for the last two months. Rachel and I are still together. I work at Blockbuster again. I'm going to London in the fall for the London Theatre Workshop. That's my life. 8/21/03- Yowzers I haven't updated in a while. That's mostly due to laziness. Anyway, I am back at Kenyon college for my last year. Rachel and I are still very much together. London was great...that's about all I have to say. I'll try to be better this year but one never knows. My life just isn't very least the part I share online.
This Site will be built sporadically over however much time it takes before I get bored with this and decide to play more Metal Gear Solid 2. |
Ignore this
This is Udo Kier. He rules.
He realy does |