Rachel Kessler


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The Hottest Tamale Out There
This page is devoted to my wonderful amie, Rachel. She's a beautiful, brilliant, creative and special girl and she threatened to beat me up if she didn't get her own section.

Finally, some Rachel
There's actually a picture of me now on this site and this is Rachel, my cute little girlfriend. It was taken on the greatest weekend I've ever had.
  Rachel's Interests
Rachel, like me, is interested in the Theatre although she prefers the technical aspect a bit more than I. She switched over from Renaissance to Medieval literature. Her new passion is Anglo Saxon so that should be interesting. She still works for a college newspaper every wednesday and generally stresses out.

How We Hooked Up
This is a very difficult tale to tell. There was a time when we weren't going out and then there was a time when we were. When the switch happened is still a mystery. It happened sometime after the Love Triangle and before the Freudian Slip. Late October, early November. But despite all that, we are together and I am very happy with that fact.

Our Plans
Well, we've survived through three semesters but it takes eight to count and five and six aren't going to be easy if we go abroad so keep your fingers crossed. However this has been the best semester we've had. Good dates, great talks, growth, everything. She recently moved to virginia so that's been a bit rough on her. The good part is that she's closer to tom and amanda. (see the dork squad) Well, we just had a fun spring break where Rachel and my roomies came down and it was a really special time. Go see Count of Monte Cristo and Time Machine. Well, we're going to have to see what the rest of the semester does and then there will be...BumBumBum! the summer. Wish us luck. Yay it's summer and we're together. That makes quite happy. Rachel's working at school and I'm working at Blockbuster. London will be rough but that's okay.

My Favourite picture of her
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

Once I start, I Just can't stop.
More pictures from the weekend. Sunday morning.